Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chicken and Vegetable Cobbler

Last week I went to save Mark Bittman's Chickpea Tagine with Chicken and Apricots recipe in my gmail "recipes" folder and was surprised to find I had another Minimalist chicken recipe to try-- the Chicken and Vegetable Cobbler from the March 10 NY Times had gotten buried in my e-mail. Fortunately (?) we had a gray day here last Saturday that screamed for warm comfort food.

First the good: this dish is chock-full of healthy vegetables, and given that the broth is cream-less, a good deal healthier than a Marie Callendar pot pie. The buttermilk biscuit dough was simple to whip together and the mushrooms (I subbed out baby bellas for button) give the classic dish a gourmet flair.

Then the bad: between the leek, the mushrooms and the carrots, this dish takes a surprisingly long amount of time to prep and then a shockingly long time to bake (45 minutes!). I used frozen carrot coins to save time and added them in at the same time as the peas; be warned, though, that while the frozen veggies are fine for the first serving of this dish, they turn to mush when you reheat leftovers. Further, I think it's a stretch to reference this as a one-pot dish (see paragraph 5) when you end up with a sticky, gooey food processor to clean, along with a pot.

I'm tempted to say I'll have a Marie Callendar from now on and use all the extra time to burn the extra calories, but I'm too afraid to look at the nutrition info :)

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