Sunday, March 20, 2011

Salmon with Potato Salad

Week 4, day 2. (See here for the start of series)

Another week 4 recipe that I've made for the second time: Salmon with Potato Salad. (not to be confused with the many other recipes that come up on Real Simple when you google "real simple salmon watercress horseradish." seriously.)

This is actually really simple. [Groan here.] I think the key is to get really fresh, fleshy pink salmon, since the seasoning on the salmon itself is minimal. I am very partial to Coho salmon, myself, versus Atlantic salmon. Because I love horseradish (which, if you didn't know, is basically wasabi), I used Inglehoffer's Extra Hot horseradish sauce in the potato salad. I've also made the potato salad both ways: whole potatoes and sliced. The sliced new potatoes can get a little sludgy, but are a much better option if you want to shorten cooking time. Another help is to prep the salad ingredients before you start the salmon (there's time) so you can use only one cutting board.

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