Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cajun Chicken with Collard Greens

Week 4, day 5.

Re-made the last Real Simple 20 days of entrees dish tonight. We enjoyed the cajun chicken with collard greens quite a bit the first time, although I neglected to remind myself of the following lessons I should have learned back in October:

DO substitute the word "dredge" for the word season. It takes about 3 times as much seasoning (Central Market cajun seasoning blend) to obtain an evenly-coated, spicy masterpiece.

DO NOT cut the red pepper into rings... then you run into the awkward situation of needing to use your knife on only part of your vegetables when you eat. Just go ahead and do a rough dice.

DO preheat your oven at the beginning if you start with the chicken and haven't done your prep first. The chicken and the vegetables take about an equal time, so the chicken will sit for a bit if you start with it. No big deal, just keep it warm in the oven at around 300 degrees.

DO NOT leave the collard greens on for 5-7 minutes. They don't take that long, and apparently, collard greens can burn! (They taste fine, actually, but cleaning the pan is a pain).

DO take a better photo of this... ugh.

and finally... DO NOT be afraid of collard greens and black-eyed peas... think kale and cannellini, with more oomph.

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