Saturday, June 12, 2010

Halibut with Citrusy Tomatoes and Capers

My husband loves to do things like go to the fish counter, ask what's fresh that day and then make up a recipe on the spot. I cannot do that (hence this blog's title, "I Cook the Recipes"). I like going to the store with a set list of ingredients to pick up for a week of cooking. Either way works, but where we've really run into problems is a combo of the two-- he goes to the store and improvises and I'm left cooking. Panic at this predicament has led to a number of failed preparations of halibut, which I love and which is not cheap, people.

The foregoing was the reason I pulled this heart-healthy halibut recipe out of Real Simple's November 2009 issue. The list of ingredients is short enough that if he picks out fresh halibut at the counter, I can do a quick memory recall and grab tomatoes and OJ to complete the dish. Added bonus for picky eaters: the substantial topping makes a non-fishy fish even less so. Next time we make this, I want to pick up a good crusty bread to sop up the extra tomatoes and sauce.

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