Sunday, February 13, 2011

Roasted Pork Chops with Polenta

Week 4, day 1.

Polenta with gruyere = cheese grits = not scary!

I don't know why, I just always used to see polenta in tubes and assume that it was too difficult to make. Tubed polenta didn't seem like anything I wanted to eat, so I never made it. Actually, it's really simple and quick as long as you pay attention and keep stirring (think: bechamel). The cool thing is that you can serve it right away, and it has more the consistency of cream of wheat, and as it cools it starts to thicken and become like cornmeal mush. Except delicious.

I think chicken could easily be substituted for the pork in this roasted pork chops with polenta recipe, since the pork is really just a vehicle for the cheesy polenta and the sweet roasted tomatoes. Actually, I'd really substitute anything for the pork, because all I wanted to eat was the polenta and tomatoes. Or maybe just polenta :)

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