Sunday, June 12, 2011

Perfect Pan Roasted Chicken Thighs

Sometimes it seems like all I do is make chicken for dinner. I do make chicken for dinner pretty frequently (twice a week or so)-- it's easy, and cheap, and slightly more healthy than other animal proteins. It's the original white meat! But it gets boring. I could eat a nice NY strip with just salt and pepper (like my husband grilled last night!) one a week, every week, but even my favorite chicken recipes get stale unless 6 weeks or so pass by in between each preparation. Thus, why I'm always seeking new ones, and therefore blogging about them.

The much talked about Gwyneth bon appetit had a bold cover advertisement for the crispiest chicken EVER. Once I got past the Gwyneth-ness of the issue, I spent some time with the recipe for perfect pan roasted chicken thighs, which is less a recipe and more a guide to perfect technique. The instructions jump around like chicken calisthenics -- cook skin-side down in skillet -- lower heat -- roast in oven -- flip -- rest. Instead of going with my instincts, I tried to follow the recipe to the letter the best I could. On my own, I definitely would not have gone the full 12 minutes in the pan; I was terrified the chicken would burn, but it actually just turned a deep, golden brown. End result? Restaurant worthy chicken thighs. And I may not be able to wait another 6 weeks for this one...

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