Sunday, February 6, 2011

Black Bean Chili with Butternut Squash

Sometimes it's best to start at the very beginning...

Other times, you realize that it's February, and that poison ivy, a broken foot and the holiday season beget procrastination, and procrastination beget anxiety over your overflowing recipe folder/camera memory card. So let's start with something easy: chili for the S[o]uperbowl.

And when I say chili, I mean black bean soup, and not this black bean soup, which I now want you to pretend you never read on my blog. Back then, I had no idea that what I really wanted was black bean soup with butternut squash... with bulgar wheat... with "fire-roasted" tomatoes... with chipotle chiles with adobe sauce.... with heat, with texture, with fullness and with every trend at Trader Joe's thrown in. Because that's how bon appetit rolls, and I just can't help myself from buying in.

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