Monday, July 5, 2010

Creamy White Bean and Herb Dip

From the depths of my recipe file (Feb/Mar 2009 issue of Fine Cooking), bean dip that looks like hummus!

This bean dip recipe is versatile and easy. I used bagel chips and crudites as dippers, and one friend also suggested it as a sandwich spread. The dip has a good flavor, but not so much flavor that you'd have to stay away from seasoned dippers. Note, though, that I left out the anchovy filet because it seemed ridiculous to use one anchovy filet and throw the rest of the filets in the can away. I do have one green bean recipe that secretly uses anchovies, so I may try the dip with anchovies the next time I make that. It will stay good and taste good for several days.

Most important thing about this recipe: the "serves 6 to 8" is misleading. I'd make half a recipe unless you are (a) actually serving 20 people and (b) have no other dips or snacks to serve them.

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